
HOPE in The Midst of Uncertainty

Your commitment and contributions provide a future for children and families right in our backyard.

Our Vision: No Family Homeless

Our mission is to break the cycle of homelessness one family at a time.

To Contact the Homelessness Helpline Information Call: (540) 358-5801

If you are unable to get through on the number above, please call (540) 371-0831

Helping Homeless Children and Families

Loisann’s Hope House is the Fredericksburg region’s oldest and largest family homeless shelter. Our organization supports four core programs to mitigate homelessness: Emergency Shelter, Rapid Rehousing, Homelessness Helpline, and FredPrevent – Prevention.

Click here to learn more about Our Programs.

Our guiding principles are five-fold:

Our team is recognized throughout the region and state as leaders in making a difference.

How to Help Loisann's Hope House:

We are grateful for the continued support of the community and for the ongoing contributions of our friends and supporters.

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Your Gift of Hope will change a life!

Last year, Loisann’s Hope House served 398 clients, including 230 children. Already this year we are on track to surpass these numbers, and as the need has grown, so has Loisann’s Hope House. We recently added another home to our campus, allowing us to house 19 families in need of emergency shelter.

Wish List

We are in need of food, paper products, cleaning supplies, medicines, and gift cards. Loisann’s Hope House greatly appreciates the items you choose to donate from our wish list. 


You can volunteer at Loisann’s Hope House in the office, daycare, maintenance, or help with childcare in the evenings while our mothers have classes. 

Junior Ambassador Program

Interested in becoming a Loisann’s Hope House Junior Ambassador? By getting involved in the Junior Ambassador program you can help end the cycle of homelessness.

In just the past year alone

Individuals Served
Crisis Calls Answered
Remain in Housing
0 %
Children Served

Monetary Donations

Your commitment and contributions provide a future for children and families right in our backyard. Loisann's Hope House needs your financial contribution now more than ever.

Every dollar ensures that a child is off the street and able to have shelter.

Material Donations

We are in need of food, black trash bags, paper products, cleaning supplies, medicines, and gift cards (Food Lion, Walmart, etc.). Please see our Wish List page for an all inclusive list.

We accept donations of food, household goods, furniture, appliances, and clothing; however, due to our building expansion, space is very limited on what we can accept.

Do you need Shelter?

If you are in any of the following situations, contact our Homelessness Helpline:

Sleeping outside (including in a car, tent, or abandoned building), In need of emergency shelter, At risk of sleeping outside or needing emergency shelter within 14 days

Loisann Silver Chacon, 1950-2011

Loisann Silver Chacon , 1950-2011, the greatest friend you could have; always there when we needed her….

Hope House is honored to bear the name of a compassionate, kind social worker who began her life in Fredericksburg.

Loisann Silver Chacon was blessed with an extraordinary ability to connect with people. This gift served her well throughout her too-brief life, not only in her relationships with family and friends, but also in her career as a social worker. Over the years , she worked with mentally ill patients, young people who were homeless, abused children, and people trying to find their way.

For more than two decades, Loisann was employed by Upward Bound, a government program that helps poor and minority students pursue a college experience. She was a counselor to the teens who wanted to attend college, helping them identify loans, fill out applications, and proof their writing samples.

All who knew Loisann knew they had a true friend for life, and that she would be loyal and supportive, no matter what the circumstance. Loisann exemplified the ideals of Hope House, which strives to instill hope in and provide direction for hurting, children and their families.

Loisann was sister of Larry D. Silver, President and CEO of Silver Companies, and daughter of the company’s founder, Carl D. Silver and wife Maxine.

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News & Announcements from Hope House